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Add and manage integrations

Olares allows you to integrate Olares Space and other third-party services to enhance functionality and personalize your experience. The integration helps you synchronize data, manage devices, and customize your profile.


We're working on adding support for third-party account integrations. This feature will allow you to connect various external services to your Olares account.

To stay updated on this and other new features:

Connect to Olares Space

Olares Space is a cloud hosting service for Olares that shares the same account system with LarePass and Olares.

Step 1. Log in to Olares Space

  1. Open in your browser.
  2. Open LarePass on your mobile device.
  3. On the Settings page, tap the "Scan" icon in the top-right corner.
  4. Scan the QR code on the Olares Space login page.
  5. Confirm the risk prompt and proceed with the login.

Step 2. Authorize Olares Space

  1. In the LarePass app, go to Settings > Integration.
  2. Tap add in the top-right corner and select Space to add your Olares Space account.

Once you've authorized Olares Space, you can also verify the integration status in Olares.

Step 3. Associate Olares ID

Associating your Olares ID allows you to import a blockchain wallet, which is necessary for using NFT images as unique avatars in your profile.

  1. Open the Settings app from the Dock or Launchpad.

  2. Select Integration from the left sidebar.

  3. Click on the Olares Space card on the right to view details.

  4. Click Bind. This will trigger a confirmation prompt in LarePass app.

  5. Open the LarePass app. You should see a confirmation prompt. If not:

    a. Go to Settings > Integration.

    b. Tap the Olares Space card.

    c. In the confirmation prompt, tap Confirm to authorize.

  6. Return to Olares, and click Confirm to complete the association to your Olares ID.

Remove integration


Disconnecting Olares Space may affect your ability to manage devices, and access cloud backups through the Olares Space interface. You can always reconnect later if needed.

To disconnect Olares Space from your Olares:

  1. Open LarePass app, and go to Settings > Integration.
  2. Tap on the Olares Space card.
  3. Tap more_horiz in the top-right corner, and tap Delete.

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