Olares provides users with a barrier-free but secure and versatile network solutions. This documents covers the key networking concepts related to application access.
Each Olares application can have one or more entrances that serve as access points. There are three types of entrances:
Public entrance
- Provides external services such as blogs, social media, etc.
- Accessible without authentication
- Basic security through Cloudflare
Private entrance
- Provides services exclusively for individual users, families, or teams
- Suitable for readers, entertainment, productivity tools, desktop applications, etc.
- Requires authentication for access
Internal entrance
- Functions similarly to private entrance
- No authentication required when accessing applications through local network or VPN
An endpoint is the access address or point where users interact with an application. Simply put, it's the URL you enter in your browser's address bar to access a specific Olares application or its features.
A typical Olares application endpoint follows this format:
For example:
, where
is the route ID for a system
is derived from the Olares
Route ID
A route ID is a unique identifier used to identify specific applications or application entrances. The default route IDs are automatically generated by the system according to the following rules:
- System applications
- Use predefined memorable Route IDs
- Examples:
(for Desktop),market
(for Market)
- Community applications
- Use an 8-character random string + entrance index (starting from 0)
- Example: For an application with Route ID 92d76a13 and two entrances:
First entrance:92d76a130
, and the access URL
- DomainName is derived from Olares ID.
- Entrance index refers to the position of entrance in multiple entrances defined in
Olares internal network
Olares implements a layered proxy routing design in its gateway architecture. Traffic flows through multiple layers:
-> user
-> application
-> service component
Inside the application, Olares has multiple layers of security.
Namespace isolation
- Each application operates in its exclusive namespace
- All resources are namespace-confined
- Applications cannot connect "ClusterRole" to "ServiceAccount"
- Cross-namespace resource access is prohibited
Network policy controls
- Each namespace has dedicated network policies
- Incoming network requests are restricted to cluster applications and system applications of the user
- User-level network isolation:
- Applications isolated between users
- Third-party applications isolated within user space
Pod restrictions
- Pods cannot use "hostNetwork" service or "NodePort" service
- Traffic access requires declared entrance service and system-provided entry proxy
- The Pod declared as entrance will be forced to join Envoy's sandbox Sidecar to authenticate and authorize incoming traffic.